The advantages and considerations of ChatGPT for fundraising

ChatGPT and its integration of billions of data points has helped inspire copy, answer questions and more

If you’re like our strategy team at givingMD, you have a keen appreciation for copywriters who can drum up a headline in an exact number of words needed or a subject line that drives action. 

We believe there’s a mix of science and art for fundraising, and we often talk most about the science part of the equation with our partners and clients. 

But when it comes to ChatGPT and the new craze of using it for anything and everything, there are some considerations when it comes to nonprofits and fundraising relying on AI for quick copy. 

chatgpt fundraising ideas and tips

We asked ChatGPT itself what it considered as the differences for fundraising copy coming from expert copywriters versus AI

When we interacted with the ChatGPT interface while pondering what it would identify as major factors involved with true fundraising copy, we were pleased with what it spit out in seconds.

Here is what ChatCPT told us:

“Fundraising copywriters and ChatGPT both aim to create compelling messages that drive donations. However, there are some key differences between the two.

  1. Human touch: Fundraising copywriters can add a personal touch to their messages by sharing their own experiences, using emotional language, and creating a sense of urgency in the reader. ChatGPT, being an AI language model, cannot have personal experiences or emotions to draw upon, and its messages may come across as more detached and objective.

  2. Creativity: While ChatGPT can generate creative messages, it is still limited by the data it has been trained on, which may restrict the breadth of its messaging. On the other hand, fundraising copywriters can think outside the box and use their creativity to come up with unique and attention-grabbing messaging.

  3. Flexibility: ChatGPT can generate messages quickly and efficiently, making it a useful tool for organizations with time-sensitive fundraising needs. Fundraising copywriters, on the other hand, may need more time to craft their messages and tailor them to a specific audience.

  4. Tailoring to audience: Fundraising copywriters can use their knowledge and understanding of the organization’s audience to craft messages that resonate with them. ChatGPT, while capable of generating messages based on available data, may not have the same level of understanding of the audience and their preferences.

Overall, both fundraising copywriters and ChatGPT can be effective in driving donations, but their approaches and strengths may differ. Using a combination of both human and AI-generated messaging may be the most effective strategy for organizations looking to optimize their fundraising efforts.”

While those are considerations as defined by ChatGPT, givingMD has a few others as well

Fundraising copy goes through a robust review process at givingMD. Starting with our strategy experts, we quickly peruse copy to ensure the architecture is there that lends itself for action across multiple CTAs in any given email, landing page, light box or even social post.

Will ChatGPT ever misspell a word? We sure hope that would never happen. But can it identify exactly where to put a CTA inside an email? Or will it inherently know the CTA copy that has worked best for every context with every organization? Hardly.


How ChatGPT CAN Help

  1. Ensuring your fundraising bases are covered – getting answers on ways to cultivate donors, reach new donors or reactivate past donors
  2. Creating forms – getting insights into what fields you should ask for from volunteers, event attendees and more
  3. Drawing inspiration for organizational use – ChatGPT can help ideate around mission statements, logistics like thank you pages and more

A few other considerations include integration of stories, dynamic elements built for segmented messaging, and the local “flavor” and brand identity that the organization has built.

Firsthand Stories

We work with clients across the hunger, homeless, faith-based and university sectors. With each of these, our partners have many stories that really bring home the realities that the people they serve or support are facing.

Using AI, it cannot bring those stories to life in the same way that a human can. 

Message Segmentation

For any organizations that go beyond the batch and blast approach, AI is unfit for that level unless you go to great depths to delineate with individual queries. 

An expert writer knows how to compel prospective donors to make a first gift, how to drive a repeat gift or how to inspire a new, fresh gift after lapsing.

Brand Identity

Most larger organizations will have phrases they like to repeat across channels at times, while there are other phrases that are a no-go, always.

ChatGPT does not have brand standards in mind. It culminates what it can and puts together messages, but it cannot add the flavor of the brand or locale.

Looking to dive further into digital fundraising? Our expert team is ready to show you the difference in years of fundraising experience to drive your program forward.